
Josh Fu

Josh is a dedicated and highly accomplished Registered Nurse and Midwife. With a strong background in Emergency nursing, Josh’s career took an exciting turn when he discovered his interest in the world of cosmetic nursing. Recognizing the powerful impact that aesthetic treatments can have on an individual’s confidence and self-esteem, he embarked on an intensive path of training and certification. Josh continues to a strong dedication and commitment to mastering techniques such as anti-wrinkle treatments, dermal fillers, and fat-dissolving procedures.

As a cosmetic nurse, Josh is known for his holistic approach, which combines his gentle artistic touch with a tailored treatment strategy. He understands that every patient is unique, and therefore, he takes the time to comprehensively assess their needs and goals. Josh’s primary goal is to help his clients achieve a natural and youthful look, one that enhances their beauty while maintaining their individuality. His personalized approach ensures that every anti-aging treatment aligns with the individual’s natural features and rejuvenates their appearance in a harmonious way. The results of Josh’s approach are consistently outstanding, leading to an overall better outcome for his patients.

Josh’s reputation as a top-tier cosmetic nurse extends well beyond his local region. He proudly serves clients from all over the country, with a predominant presence in both Melbourne and Western Australia. His expertise is sought after by individuals who are eager to experience the transformative effects of his treatments, which not only address the signs of aging but also rejuvenate and revitalize their overall appearance.

When Josh is not working in cosmetic nursing, he works in an extremely challenging environment as a Flight Nurse/Midwife. Providing critical care well beyond the bedside, delivering the finest care to the furthest corners of the country. In addition, he proudly dedicates time to teaching doctors, nurses and paramedics Advanced Life Support through the Australian Resuscitation Council as well as Facilitating Nursing students as a mentor at one of Australia’s leading Nursing Universities.

Josh’s dual expertise of midwifery and nursing, coupled with his compassionate and holistic approach, unwavering dedication, and commitment, uniquely position him to deliver a gentle, artistic touch into his client’s treatment plans. He tailors treatment strategies, all with the overarching objective of helping clients attain a naturally youthful appearance. This steadfast commitment ensures that his clients consistently achieve outstanding results and experience a profound boost in self-confidence.